Echo Lake walk - June 2021

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In mid-June eight of us traveled to Echo Lake, at about 7,500 ft. This is a popular day hike as well as the main backpacker route to reach Lake Aloha, in Desolation Wilderness.   

Because of the walk's popularity we had to park a quarter mile from the lake, not a big deal. We enjoyed a 20-minute boat ride to the north end of the lake, where our four mile round-trip walk began. We probably saw a hundred other hikers/backpackers today.

On this walk, impressive scenery begins right away; the most prominent peak, Ralston Peak, was climbed by many of today's hikers, 11 years ago, on the NW side, which had a lot of vegetation and woods (not barren as seen here). 

When walking in Sierra Nevada granite, you come to appreciate the parts of the trail where it is easy, like in the third photo below, because you can look around & appreciate the surroundings. When the trail is rocky & uneven, as in the fourth photo, you have to watch each step because of ankle-twisting or tripping potential, technical walking.      

note - you can enlarge any part of a picture by left-clicking in and then out again. 

Echo Lake boat taxi  ~ 10:30am Rich 
  hikers & backpackers on the trail Echo Lake  
impact of extended drought years Ralston Peak at 9,239 ft.  
  lupine paintbrush
downhill to Ralston Lake    
  we had a brief visit      

Not far from Ralston Lake is Tamarack Lake, where we enjoyed a water-side lunch. Although none of the hikers took a swim, a few had toes in the lake.      

Karen & Linda phlox maybe... Dave, see note
  aquatic grass lunch at Tamarack Lake  

note - overcast light created too much contrast & Dave's face was so deep in shadow that I had to lighten the image so he could be seen. 

After lunch we had a downhill walk back to the boat dock. Rich was paying attention & called ahead for a taxi while we were still uphill from the Lake, where (we were told) the reception was better than at the dock. 

As a result, by the time w were back at the dock we only had to wait a few minutes and were the first to board.  

Karen   R & L, see note
  Ralston Peak from the boat dock  
last look at the mountain on the boat taxi  
  ye pay upon off-loading  

note - again, uneven trail conditions made this a technical walk, but all of the hikers did well.

Upon returning to the vehicles it was warm, upper 80s maybe, today being a 107 deg. F day in Sacramento. 

All of us stopped in Pollock Pines on the drive back on hwy. 50 and had an enjoyable 4:00 pm dinner at the Burger Barn. The couple running that place are super nice.       

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