General Info page
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General info - this website has no commercial content and visitors are never tracked. I started posting photo pages in October, 2001. The first posting was from a Carson Pass walk to Lake Winnemucca in late September, with 24 hikers, facilitated by my friend Rich.
This website is admittedly an outlet for my writing/ editing compulsions, as well as messing around with digital photos. Well, I'm a history nut, too.
Intellectual Property Dept. - except where cited (e.g., web photos), all images shown on this site were taken by me, and I am responsible for any comments regarding the photos or destinations, but you'll find no controversy here. I strive to get historical info right, via correlation from multiple sources.
Security Dept. - I'm pretty sure visitors consist mostly of family & hiking friends. Both my PC and the ( server are regularly scanned to insure security.
Something new - If you notice the "Not Secure" label (or black triangle) at top left of your web browser, it ONLY means that this site is not authorized to conduct financial transactions, and no other security risks are implied.
About Rich - Since the mid-90s (when we had adjacent cubicles in the same office), Rich has lead an ever-changing group of hikers from Sacramento on a monthly trek to such interesting places as the East Bay Regional Parks, or Point Reyes National Seashore, or the Sierra Nevada mountains. Almost all of us had careers with Sac City or County, or the State.
As I've had stated (for years) on this page, if not for Rich's monthly hikes, my photo-pantry would be nearly bare.
In fall 2023, Rich had to retire from hiking and has been living in the Auburn, Ca. area, with his capable wife Linda.
Contact info - Should you have comments/questions, feel free to email me at
Privacy concerns come in degrees, with nuances; should you be the subject of one of my photos who prefers to not to be shown, just let me know.
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